Makeup by Talin… she b e l i e v e d she could, so she did. Talin |ta-lean| always had a passion for the world of b e a u t y and makeup artistry. It was when she would apply makeup on her closest family, friends, and even on herself, that she realized this was her calling; feeding her mind, body, and s o u l a sincere sense of joy and accomplishment when doing so. Whether for a special occasion, or even just for the l o v e of the art, Talin realized that providing happiness and confidence to others through her art of m a k e u p made her truly happy. After years of praise from her family and peers, the decision was made to pursue her passion professionally. Stepping into the beauty industry as a self-taught artist, she began building her clientele base and booking appointments regularly. Her p a s s i o n drew her further, however, Talin wanted more- more knowledge, more training, and more insight into the world of beauty. She began courses at Lilit’s Makeup Studio in April of 2014, learning the in's and out's of the beauty industry and makeup artistry from one of the very best in the business, Lilit Caradanian, earning her master of makeup artistry certification. Talin has also completed extensive one on one training with renowned artist Rob Sargsyan, better known as FacesByRob, and completed her second makeup artistry certification. With the additional knowledge and training gained from the completion of her certification courses, combined with her existing passion and d r i v e, Talin continues to excel in providing her clients the very best in the beautification e x p e r i e n c e. |